Tuesday, September 25, 2007


finally some sign that i might get a glimpse of that elusive angel with silver wings. well, couple of days ago, i did manage to strike a pseudo-conversation more likened to that squeamish small talk that everyone dreads. she came up and made the move and i was just too polite to reply, seeemingly cautious not to excite any forthcoming red flag to scatter away the obvious target so i managed to be in my penchance for nonchalant behavior which i must say would never cause a major stir.it must have worked, the non magic, the suppression of sparks worked wonders and just relegated everything to a seemingly random encounter. but i wouldn't wanna have it any other way. true, i work my stuff in an odd fashion so to speak, more like lame excuse for not seizing the day so it seemed. i guess i was just hoping for the right time....if and when it does come, it would certainly be a welcome surprise.

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