Monday, November 17, 2008

it's been written all along...

i've finally said what i fet all along....took the plunge and bared every honest piece of my soul to nikki. it was a saturday night, the 25th of october, and apparently this caught her by surprise. i just had to say it and it came rather much later in the night when i left her pad and called her back again to say a few things right right up in my mind. i guess that was all i needed to do to let her know that all the actions i took meant exactly what i needed her to understand. and she got the message loud and clear and with nothing lost in translation. it felt great and for the first time, i have bared my soul to someone i consider the most important person in my life. i have lost her before and yet this second chance at making it right almost seemed impossible to accomplish. and yet fate has made everything look perfectly simple... it's the magic of romance i guess, now i know for certain what love really is for the first time....and with more certainty now than ever before, i have truly come to find the very person i wanted to be with--without a doubt, it's nikki from New York...

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