Wednesday, June 6, 2007


nothin much is special today except that at this same time last year i was at a movie theater watching damien wreak havoc on the silver screen. i'm sure the PR strategy for making it debut on 6/6/06 seems quite frightening but the movie seemed forgettable to say the least. i don't even remember how the story went except that julia stiles of "ten things" was in there...i guess i am mostly bent towards the old damien movies....what can i say, nothing compares to the original. which brings to mind something i wanna share..i always liked things in their original form, preserved, unaltered and simply kept the way it was supposed to look and feel. unretouched, never tinkered upon and just being the way it is supposed to be. now, what's this all about? i don't have a freakin idea. maybe i'm just tellin something about myself and how i like things the way they are or maybe i was implicitly saying things about certain things that shouldn't be tinkered with, whatever that is, i don't have a clue. well, you see, i'm just blabbing around and for the sake of clarity, i only came upon this idea of writing into this blog just for the intellectual word exercise i could possibly come up with to complement the torrid and excruciating reading exercises that i am currently embarking on right now. yep, 02/08 is the target and while the winter might bring out the bitter cold, i am currently heating up things this time of year.

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