Wednesday, June 13, 2007

sans frontieres

let me go back to the very reason why i came up with this idea of blogging. it's not like i just wanted to join in the bandwagon, but i kinda felt i needed to release some thoughts about my impending wait (then) for the results of the bar. now that the agonizing wait is over, got really nothin much to complain about now that i am an attorney. so it got me thinking, what is then the purpose for this blog now that the original intent for creating this was ultimately accomplished? i guess, i would have to say that keeping this running would be a hard act to follow through without a certain sense of purpose. so let me put it this way, until such a time i come up with another purpose for this blog, i'd endlessly bicker about insignificant matters i would most definitely pick up during the day( and nights, of course). which brings me to my somewhat regular stay at a local coffee shop/ bookstore which i shall call in my own words "sans frontieres" because it feels like you can move from the coffee shop to the bookshelves uninterruptedly without feeling trapped. now that is cool and amazing coz you get to really read for free and enjoy the coffee and of course the occasional pretty damsels who seem to get lovelier whenever they really make the point of hitting the books rather than being simply a decor on the wall. well, that's just me. i always tend to be partial to a lady who seems quite the brain more than the bod that she exudes, nevertheless, one cannot exist without the other if i am to take things seriously.
anyhow, what's my business in a coffee shop? well, i read, read, and read. i spend on the average at least three hours in a day just going through the california bar review materials. yep, it's not as hectic yet, as it should be, but i guess the time alloted is enough considering the bar is set 8 months from now in february. so there it is, and yeah, i guess i found another reason to keep this blog going.

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