Monday, March 5, 2007

my days are numbered

the calendar seemed like a good for nothin clutter in any one's desk except for the fact that when "dates" seem to matter, it just might be of good use somehow, somewhere, and sometime... the month of March for this year seemed to be an important repository of dates, at least for me. First, I started this "new" thing called blogging..which isn't really new, but IS new to me. Second, i'm waiting for something BIG this March, so grand it seems that it has always been on my mind for so many years now as far as i can recall. Never thought ( of course i've always thought about it, but you know, it sounds a lil better that way) this eventful EVENT is so eventful [emphasis supplied unnecessarily to emphasize the event and so the word emphasize has been emphatically repeated over and over unncessarily to drive the eventful event--of course you get the point clearly now] this could be the biggest event of my otherwise uneventful far.

anyhow, going back to the calendar, i've got dates marked, the 23rd and the 30th, and i feel soooo soooo good about it. when the day comes, it'll be just any other day, and so is the calendar...just another clutter in the desk of everybody else's lives..I, however, will make that day count as something'll be one of the earliest spring break for me.

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